Genesis Trust Chaplain's Page

Opportunity to explore the Christian faith

Welcome from Genesis Trust Bath

Group stting around the table studying the BibleGenesis Trust and Bath Foodbank is an organisation founded, based, and operating on Christian beliefs and principles which exists to demonstrate the love of God, through Jesus, to homeless and vulnerable people.

We believe that the help that we offer to all who come to Genesis Trust should support the wellness of their body, mind and spirit. This is through compassionately meeting peoples’ needs when they are in crisis but also journeying with them from crisis to hope. Part of that is offering them the opportunity to explore faith.

We offer hospitality and the chance to be part of a non-judgemental, loving community.

We find that many people are disconnected from themselves and from others and we aim to support and help them to be reconnected. Many people are seeking spiritual reconnection as well and so we offer the choice to ask questions and to explore faith.

To explore the Christian faith further, our regular Faith Group meets on a Wednesday. These meetings give the opportunity to ask big questions and learn more about Jesus and the hope he brings in our lives.

We value the prayer support of individuals and all the churches in Bath. If you would like to receive our monthly prayer updates via email, then please get in touch with us –

Our Vision

A thriving and supportive community in the Bath area where everyone has hope and a future.

Our Mission

At the heart of Genesis is Jesus and his call to love our neighbour. Our response is to support homeless and vulnerable people in the Bath area, offering opportunities for them to make healthy choices and improve their lives and prospects.

What we do

As a Christian charity, Genesis works with local churches and volunteers in the wider community in Bath and the surrounding area to help homeless and vulnerable individuals and families to change their lives. We do this through Genesis Life Projects. This refers to all of the face-to-face work we do with homeless and vulnerable people. Through these interlinked projects, we meet the immediate needs of homeless and vulnerable people in Bath and the surrounding area, but also journey alongside people supporting them with issues like trauma, addictions, mental ill-health, affects of isolation and much more.

Watch our Thanksgiving Service at Bath Abbey.

How you can pray for us

February 2025

Thank you for your continuing prayer for Genesis. For February we would appreciate prayers as follows:

  • At the start of the year we give thanks for God’s wonderful provision this winter and for the people who generously gave to our Christmas Appeal. We know that we cannot support our clients without His help and that of the community around us.
  • In February we pray for people who are disconnected from their family and friends and those who are lonely. Often with the focus on St Valentine’s day all around us this month it can be very isolating for people who feel on their own. We ask that at Genesis Life Projects that we can show our guests through all that we do and say that they are loved, cared for, and seen. Let them know that they are children of the Father and loved by Him. Help us to have Jesus at the heart of Genesis Trust and to truly love our neighbour.
  • As the cold weather continues and people may be struggling to catch up with their finances after Christmas, we pray for the staff and volunteers at Bath Foodbank to know how best to help people when they come through the door at each session. We give thanks for the support we also have from Becky from Citizens’ Advice, Ryan from Clean Slate and from the Samaritans team whose presence is invaluable.
  • We pray for wisdom for the planning and execution of the repair and refurbishment work on the Gateway Centre.

Thanks again for your ongoing commitment to pray for Genesis, it is really valued.

Many blessings,


Prayer Walks

Join us for one of our prayer walks to pray for Bath.

Contact Us

Support You

We can share with your organisation, school, church or group about what Genesis Trust is doing to support homeless and vulnerable people. Contact us if you want us to visit.

Contact Us

Our Newsletter

Please subscribe to receive our monthly newsletter and pray for ongoing transformation in people’s lives as they move from crisis to hope.