Young Moiya, a 5 year old pupil at All Hallows Prep School in Somerset, first came across the issues of homelessness after meeting a rough sleeper on the streets of Bath. Struck by his situation, she told her parents she would like to help. Together with All Hallows, Moiya and her parents organised a fundraising welly walk to raise money for us and all her fellow pupils and their families got involved.
Last week we were delighted to welcome Moiya, her classmates and their teachers at our drop-in centre Lifeline to learn more about homelessness in Bath. Lifeline Manager Caleb took them on a tour of the centre and its facilities, explaining all the various ways we help people in need – from giving clothing, blankets and food, to listening to people’s complex issues.
It was incredible to see so much engagement from the children, who easily understood the many issues that affect people living without a permanent home. They were all very keen to help and we were so grateful when the pupils donated a range of items – toiletries, biscuits, chocolate and dog food. Thanks to the efforts of Moiya and her fellow classmates an amazing £250 was also donated today, with an additional £275 to come from Moiya’s own fundraising page.
This money will make a huge difference to the people we help and we are so glad that such young citizens are actively getting involved. We’d like to say a huge thank you to all the efforts of the children, their families and teachers.