How far can you go?
We are challenging our supporters to make this summer’s exercise cover the same distance as the length of the Cotswold Way – all 102 miles of it.
Every step you take, every move you make….you could be counting them up and adding them to your coverage of the route. We already have people signed up to step, pedal, run and row the distance. It’s only ten pounds to join in, and it’s not too late! You have until the end of August.
Genesis supporter Dave Vernalls (one of the feet pictured is his!) is doing his miles along the actual Cotswold Way, adding up the distance of the separate sections.
The tech makes it easy by linking your usual fitness tracker to the app, but if you’re not a step counting kind of person, you can simply keep a record of how far you’re walking, cycling, or running and add the details to the challenge website once you’ve signed up. In fact with our handy activity converter, anything active will add to your distance.
Compete with friends, join in with family, and get fit.
Here’s where to find out more, and see the link to sign up.
We can also create a bespoke challenge for your organisation/church/business – get in touch to find out how: