Prayer Requests

How You Can Pray for Us

July 2024


I hope all is well and thank you for your continuing prayer for Genesis. In July we would appreciate prayers:

  • For good health, wellbeing and recovery for Genesis guests, volunteers, and staff. In particular for Steve, who is recovering from heart surgery.
  • For Jill who is leading the Life Course until the end of July. For strength and healing for our guests attending the course as they face their vulnerabilities and work hard on their recovery.
  • For steadfastness and wisdom of the Holy Spirit for our trustees and chief executive, Nick,  as they guide and lead Genesis Trust.
  • For increased provision of food donations for Bath Foodbank as the need for emergency food rises in our community. For families as the summer holidays approach that they can get the support they need.

Thanks again for your ongoing commitment to pray for Genesis, it is really valued.

You can read more about our interlinked projects by clicking What We Do above.
Many blessings,
