Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Thank you for your interest in volunteering! Any new volunteer opportunities will be on our Current Opportunities page.  If you are a student or a business, please check out our volunteering pages for you.

We support multiple ways of making donations including online, bank transfer, cash and cheque. Whether you’d like to make a one-off or regular gift or have a question about gift aid, all the information you need is here. If you can’t find the answer to your question, then please get in touch!

There are 2 ways you can donate food:

Donate non-perishable food to Bath Foodbank

Please click HERE to see the various ways you can donate food to Bath Foodbank. All food donated to Bath Foodbank must be non-perishable. If you do have a larger donation of food, please email office@genesistrust.org.uk to make an appointment to drop it off.

Donate fresh food

If you’re a restaurant, cafe or shop and have excess fresh food, Genesis Trust can get it to people who are hungry and homeless in Bath. If you would be interested in donating food to our projects, please contact us.

You can read more about how to donate furniture here.

At Lifeline, we help to provide practical support for people in crisis. We are currently able to accept good quality donations of clothes, toiletries and certain camping kit. Click HERE to see our current need of items.

Please call email office@genesistrust.org.uk to make an appointment to drop off any donations.

For information on donating furniture, please look here.

We have also partnered with several organisations that can help us to convert your unwanted items into donations for Genesis Trust. Read more here to see how you can donate books, ink cartridges, foreign currency and even your old car!

Bath Foodbank
We’re operating 3 food distribution centres at the Lighthouse Centre in Twerton (Tues. and Thurs. from 9:30-11:30), Manvers Street Baptist Church (Mon, Wed, Fri from 12:30-2:30) and St Philip & St James’ Church in Odd Down (Tuesdays from 12:30-2:30).
If you need emergency food, please contact a referral agency e.g. Welfare Support call 01225 477277 or email welfare_support@bathnes.gov.uk
See Bath Foodbank website for more details.

We provide one-to-one support at the Gateway Centre on London Road.  We provide food, clothing, showers, laundry facilities and much more.

Open Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:30-4:30. Please call 01225 439384 to book an appointment. See here for more details.

Life Skills
Our courses and activities are running.
See here for more info on courses and how to book.

Genesis Furniture
Our Furniture Shop is now entirely ONLINE.
We’re still providing essential items to agencies, organisations and individuals that support people in need.

Click HERE for our online shop.

If you would like to donate furniture, click HERE.

  1. Remember that people living on the streets are human beings just like you, who are often lonely and struggle with being ignored. Ask if they are OK and whether they need food.
  2. Tell them about Lifeline where they can get something to eat, have a hot shower and get clean clothes, as well as access professional advice on what resources and help is available to them. They can also get help at the Julian House night shelter.
  3. If someone looks particularly vulnerable, or you notice a homeless person in your area who you haven’t seen before, report it to the national organisation Street Link, who will send an outreach team to offer support in person.  You can also download the Street Link app which allows you to notify their outreach workers.
  4. Buy the Big Issue from a street vendor to encourage self-help solutions to combating homelessness and unemployment.
  5. Volunteer or fundraise for your local homeless charity – this is a great way to support the work of organisations that have established services and years of experience helping those in need.
  6. Donate clothing, surplus food, or money to your local homeless charity or Foodbank. They will redistribute it in the best way possible.
  7. Join a campaigning organisation, such as Shelter or Christians Against Poverty, to help tackle the structural and root causes of homelessness. Or set up your own campaign to raise awareness.
  8. And finally, don’t be a stranger. If you regularly see a homeless person, ask their name and say hello to them. Often, those living on the streets are in need of company and compassion, just as much as food and shelter.