Bath Foodbank

Harvest 2023 Resource Page

Bath Foodbank Harvest Collection Information

We are so grateful for your donations so thank you for supporting Bath Foodbank for your Harvest Celebration.

Here you will find information on items we are most in need of and information on arranging a delivery or collection. We are here to support you if you need anything so please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to assist you in any way we can. 

What to collect  

Below are the various ways you can know what to collect.

Print a Food List Poster

Please find HERE a poster of the most needed items, which you can print, photocopy and distribute to everyone supporting your Harvest collection.  

Here is the same list of essential food items on the poster above:

  • Tomatoes (Tinned)
  • Tomato Pasta Sauce (Jars)
  • Vegetables (carrots, peas)
  • Fruit (Tinned)
  • Meat (Tinned)
  • Soup (Tinned)
  • Long Life Juice

If you are a school, click HERE to view and print a poster that can be distributed to anyone participating in your Harvest collection.

Bank the Food App

To have up-to-date information about our most needed items you can download the Bank The Food App. Download the app, register and then choose Bath Foodbank.

What NOT to collect

We cannot take fresh food. Bath Foodbank only works with non-perishable food items (tinned and dried goods), which do not spoil or decay. This means that neither the food bank nor the recipient has to worry about storing the food in a fridge or freezer, and there is less likelihood of food going to waste. It also means that we can give each person visiting the food bank a carefully designed food parcel that contains three days’ worth of nutritionally-balanced food. 

All items should be unopened, in date and in good condition. We are forbidden by law to give away food which has passed its “use by” date.

Delivery and Collection 

The easiest way to donate food is to use our food collection stations at supermarkets or at many smaller stores. You can find the most convenient location for you on our Bath Foodbank website by clicking HERE.

For larger donations, it will be easier to either deliver the food to our warehouse or arrange for our volunteer van team to collect from you.  Information for both is below.

You can deliver to us

It would be a great help to us if you could deliver the food BY APPOINTMENT to our warehouse.  Please email us to arrange an appointment by clicking HERE or call 01225 463549.  

WHERE?  31a West Avenue, Oldfield Park, Bath BA2 3QB 

WHEN?  Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am – 4:00pm. PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT.

PLEASE NOTE.. When bringing donations of food to the Bath Foodbank warehouse we ask that you do not use plastic trays or single use plastic bags. If you do, then please take them away with you! We can recycle cardboard boxes and we will reuse any bags for life plastic bags when issuing our food parcels.

We can collect from you

If you can’t deliver the food to our warehouse, please contact us using the information above to arrange a date and time for our volunteer van team to collect.