Life Course
The Life Course at Genesis on the Canal
The Life Course is aimed at supporting people in their recovery from addiction, trauma and poor mental health. It's about adding an extra layer of recovery capital into the lives of people seeking to find a pathway to more wholeness.
Next Course: 8 April to 5 June, Tuesday & Thursday from 11:00am to 1:00pm

Referral Criteria:
When considering The Life Course please first read the Essential Information and FAQ sheet to ensure your client is in a place in their recovery where they are able to engage and benefit from The Life Course.
We are more than happy to come along to team meetings to meet you and discuss The Life Course and answer any questions you may have. If you feel this would be helpful, please get in touch.
Contact: Sue Fourie at sue.fourie@genesistrust.org.uk or call 01225 438362
Location: Gateway Centre, Snow Hill, London Road, Bath, BA1 6DH unless otherwise specified.

An 18-session, 10 week course that is relatable and honest with a lot of depth and understanding to meet people where they are at. A strong emphasis is placed on the importance of the “Mind – Body” connection: how our minds can affect how healthy our bodies are and what we do with our physical bodies can impact our mental state.
The course is designed to teach people in recovery how to care for themselves, how to manage unhelpful thinking patterns, how to build and maintain healthy relationships and how to live both independently and interdependently.
The course is run three times a year in small group sizes with a maximum of ten people.
The course is for those who have faced a number of challenges:
- Lack of confidence and life skills
- Suffered trauma
- Have been homeless
- Have been in active addiction
- Suffer from poor mental health
- Have a criminal record
- Have been long-term unemployed
BUT, who want to make life changes and improve their lives.