Community Events

What's Going On

We are out and about at various markets and different events. Please come and find us, peruse, and hopefully purchase items handmade by our clients, volunteers, and staff as well as our coffee cups and candles. If you can’t make it to one of these markets or events then our goods are available in our Gift Shop. Click the button below to go to our Gift Shop.

Gift Shop

Participate in one of our challenge events

We have so many challenge events that you can participate in. Why don’t you challenge yourself to get in better shape or to overcome some fear while supporting people in need in your community as well? You can read more about our challenge events here.

Ceilidh @ St Mark’s Community Hall Widcombe – Saturday 22 February

Join us for fun evening of traditional dancing to the music of the Pipley band. Please book here.

  • When? Saturday 22 February
  • Time? 7.30pm to 10.30pm
  • Where? St Mark’s Community Centre, Widcombe
  • How much? £12 in advance and £15 on the door

There will be a bar, snacks and a raffle. Please book in advance.

Charity Pub Quiz @ The Moorfields in Oldfield Park – Tuesday 25 February

Are you ready for a night of trivia and fun? Join us at The Moorfields Pub in Oldfield Park at 8:00pm. Gather your team and BOOK A TABLE by calling The Moorfields on 01225 982102 to enter the quiz. £2 entry fee per person. All proceeds support our work with homeless and vulnerable people.

WHEN? Tuesday 25 February at 8:00PM

WHERE? The Moorfields Pub, 73 Third Avenue BA2 3NZ

HOW MUCH? £2 entry per person.

Genesis Skydive @ Go Skydive is Salisbury – Saturday 6 April

How about a challenge? Genesis Trust is hosting a charity skydive to help raise funds for our support of homeless and vulnerable people in our community. Why don’t you have an exhilarating adventure while also supporting people in need in your community. Click here to read more and register.

a photo of someone doing a skydive for Genesis Trust
A man running the London Marathon but in his own location

London Marathon MyWay @ Wherever you want – Sunday 27 April

Whether you want to amble along country lanes or power up and over hills, the TCS London Marathon MyWay is your chance to complete 26.2 miles however and wherever you wish on Marathon Day. To earn the coveted TCS London Marathon finisher medal and a New Balance T-shirt, just complete the distance from 00:00 to 23:59:59 BST on Sunday 27 April.

Register your interest HERE.

Bear Flat Community Market @ the Community Hall, Bruton Avenue BA2 4QJ

The third Saturday of each month:

  • Saturday 18 January
  • Saturday 15 February
  • Saturday 15 March
  • Saturday 19 April

The market runs from 9:30-12:30 in the Community Hall attached to Beechen Cliff Methodist Church. The entrance to the church hall is on Bruton Avenue (whereas the Church entrance is on Shakespeare Avenue).

Stalls selling local crafts, bread, vegetables, and a space to stop for a coffee and piece of homemade cake.

We will have a Genesis Trust stall selling items handmade by our clients, volunteers, and staff as well as our coffee cups and candles. It is also an opportunity to recycle ink jet cartridges. We will have a collection box at the market every month. Click HERE for more details about recycling injet cartridges using Recycle4Charity.