Calling all Genesis Trust supporters using social media! We would really appreciate your help to get the word out through social media more effectively about what Genesis Trust is doing for homeless and vulnerable people and sharing our message.
Are you using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn? If you don’t already, please following us on social media. Then you could support us using the tips below.
- Don’t just LIKE our posts but LOVE them! If you hold down the Like icon on Facebook, for example, then you get a new selection of emojis. Please choose a heart or an appropriate emoji instead of just liking the post. By doing this, it shows more engagement with the post and increases the amount of people who will see our message.
- Let’s have a conversation! Leave comments on our posts. Maybe you have an inspirational experience to share or a question about the post. You could share a positive comment about volunteering with Genesis or about one of our events you participated in.
- Share our posts! Remember what your parents always used to say, “Please share.” Share our posts with your groups, friends or followers. Just click the SHARE icon, or retweet, whatever platform you are using, and either share to your friends, followers or to groups you are in.
- WhatsApp! How many WhatApp groups do you belong to? You can share from social media to WhatsApp and help us share our news this way as well.
- If you are participating in one of our events or fundraising in your own way and using social media to support it, please tag us so that we can comment and engage with your post.
- Facebook – @GenesisTrust
- Twitter – @TheGenesisTrust
- Instagram – genesis_trust
- Linkedin – Genesis Trust Bath
- Don’t forget our Bath Foodbank tags:
- Facebook – @bathfoodbank
- Twitter – @BathFoodbank
Thank you so much for your support. The tips above will engage the algorithms of the various social media platforms and boost the reach of our posts so we can gain even more support. Supporting Genesis Trust comes in many forms so let’s get the word out more effectively together.