At Genesis Trust, we provide for the immediate needs of homeless and vulnerable people which gives a platform to build trusting, longer-term relationships. This then allows us to uniquely take the time to compassionately “journey” with people through their recovery. That “journey” is client led as they discover and set the goals to recovery, and we support them in those goals. We have the flexibility through our interlinked projects to walk alongside people for the long-term and support them on their journey to independence.
The Life Course is a big part of that journey for our guests and it’s impacting lives. The 10-week course is run at Genesis Life Projects and aims to support people in their recovery from addiction, trauma and mental ill-health. The course covers topics like healthy relationships, self-care, general life management, healthy thinking patterns and dealing with stress and anxiety.
Two years ago, we started running the Life Course and, as of December 2022, we’ve run 7 courses with 39 guests completing the course. Last autumn a group of 5 guests started and, to date, they had the lowest mental wellbeing starting score of any previous group.
We use the WEMWBS (Warick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale) to measure and evaluate people’s wellbeing at our projects. This group’s baseline score was 28.2 at the beginning of the course. A score of between 14-42 is not only considered having low wellbeing but is also indicative of probable clinical depression. By the end of the Life Course the guests mean score moved to 42.8 which is a great improvement.
The average score in England between 2011-2019 has been steady at about 51 (NHS Health Survey). So, whilst our guests had improved, they are still below this and require further, ongoing intervention, and support. That is why our Genesis Life Projects is so effective. The support doesn’t end after a course but is ongoing as we journey with people from crisis to independence.
Eddy is a good example of the impact of the Life Course and the importance of the ongoing support provided by Genesis Trust. Eddy arrived at our Gateway Centre in August 2022 and was homeless. He was in early recovery from alcohol and drug abuse. He wanted to be sober and signed up for the Life Course. He also joined Alcoholic Anonymous and registered for a 6-week gym membership that we currently have on offer at Genesis Life Projects. He would shower at the gym, and it was an important part in his self-care and building his self-esteem.
He was also trying to get accommodation but was only offered accommodation in Bristol which would take him away from his new support networks in Bath.
Sue Fourie (Genesis Life Projects Manager) attended a meeting with the council where, on his behalf, explained the need for Eddy to remain and have accommodation in Bath. She explained how vital it was that he doesn’t lose the support network he built up that was aiding his recovery. Moving to Bristol would, without a doubt, trigger a relapse.
After many phone calls and advocating on Eddy’s behalf, Sue managed to sort out his accommodation, first in a hotel and now in supported accommodation. It is now February 2023 and Eddy has completed the Life Course, is still attending AA meetings, is sober and is fully embracing returning to his career as a musician part-time whilst also teaching Spanish here in Bath to adults. He even did a concert last December to raise funds for Genesis Trust, enabling him to give back.
Eddy said, “I found my voice during the course. Slowly I started to feel more confident. Having a small group, you feel safe. It was an eye opener learning about different personality types and discovering my own. The section on boundaries was the most impactful for me.”
You can read more about our Life Course and all our interlinked projects by clicking HERE.
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